1. Clean Surroundings
If the area around a carpet is clean, the chances there is less dirt available to end up on the carpet. Generally there is less of a chance that someone is going to track a staining substance or dirt onto the carpet. This means cleaning the uncovered floors with sweeping, vacuuming, or wiping up spills.
This also applies to surfaces that are not floors. If you have clean tables and furniture, the chance that something is going to fall onto the floor greatly decreases. All of the surfaces that are not fabric are easier to clean, so this primitive cleaning is the less labor-intensive option.
2. Policy Decisions
In residential settings, you can often ask that people entering the building take off their shoes. This is not an option for commercial settings. However, you can still enforce rules that are meant to have similar results, such as minimizing the number of accessible drinking and eating areas.
For drinks, you can have water be allowed everywhere, as this is not a staining liquid and is extremely easy to clean up. Just make sure that your policies are enforceable and considerate of the needs of your workers and guests. Policies that are too invasive will be ignored.
3. Regular Cleaning
It would be great to call a carpet cleaning company every week, but for most businesses, this is simply not in the budget. So what you can do is clean regularly as a part of office culture. Separate from checking that the surroundings are clean and having policies that passively limit the risk of messes, regular cleaning is more about maintenance and reliability.
Regular cleaning includes keeping the trash cans from overflowing, sweeping up floors that don’t look dirty, and running a vacuum over your carpets from time to time. You could hire a cleaning service for this or have it be part of your closing procedure.
4. Quick Response
When something happens to a carpet, don’t ignore it. The faster you react to the mess, the less time the stain will have to set. If you can soak up a spill, you can reduce the amount of damage to the carpet even if it does end up setting.
The more you do in the moment, the cleaner your carpet will be after professional cleaning. With the exception being instances where your immediate action spreads the stain or damages the carpet fibers. If you do not know what you are doing, make sure your only quick response is picking up the phone to call a Long Beach carpet cleaning pro.
5. Professional Carpet Cleaning
In a professional setting, professional carpet cleaning is your best choice for cleaning the stains you could not prevent. Leave your workers to do what they do best. Don’t worry about keeping cleaning materials stored in your office. Just have the number of a local cleaning service.
There is a lot that you can learn from reading a carpet cleaning blog, but is it the best investment of time or resources? Probably not. And the application of a learned skill is always best practiced in the presence of an expert anyway. So call your local expert carpet cleaner.
6. Strategic Replacement
Not every stain can be removed. Lighter carpets are going to be more difficult to clean, especially with colored or dark stains. In these cases, the best way to keep your commercial carpets looking clean is to replace them. But be strategic with your replacement carpet.
Industrial and commercial settings should utilize black carpeting or darkly colored floor coverings, so they appear less dirty. This is not to say that you should neglect dark carpets, but if they will look better when cleaned. Even if stains are not fully removed, they are unlikely to be noticeable.